hypothyroidism hair loss

There are many factors contributing to hair loss. The most common cause among men and women is the inheritance, other common factors are changes in hormone levels, nutritional deficiencies, stress both mentally and physically, and different types of medical conditions related. One of the main causes of hair loss is the problems affecting the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is a major endocrine glands in his body. Located in the neck below the larynx and is shaped like a bowtie. The thyroid controls bodily functions such as how the body burns energy, how it makes proteins, and how the body should be sensitive to hormones. The thyroid gland creates hormones to regulate these functions.

As in other parts of our body, the thyroid gland may be affected by diseases. The most common disease of the thyroid is too much activity and in relation to the activity. Excessive thyroid activity is known as hyperthyroidism or Grave's disease, while the relationship with the activity of the gland is known as hypothyroidism. Both of these diseases contribute to hair loss for men and women.

Hair usually grows in three phases Phase Anaga, the catagen phase, and the latent phase. When a person suffers from hypothyroidism, the mechanism that controls the growth process of hair loses his balance and eventually shuts down. A malfunction of the thyroid can bind to hair follicles remain in the latent stage for long periods leading to stunting hair and eventual hair loss.

The hair loss due to hypothyroidism or other hormonal abnormality is very serious. If you suspect that you have these conditions, it is advisable to take the necessary steps to be correctly diagnosed and begin treatment immediately. Here are some things you can do to prevent or lessen the effects of hair loss if you think you have hypothyroidism: Get your
evaluated by a dermatologist. A dermatologist can make a full assessment to determine the various causes of hair loss. The tests can be conducted to determine other autoimmune conditions, in addition to hypothyroidism which has contributed to his loss of hair. If you are taking thyroid medications such as thyroid hormone replacement, and still are losing their hair, you have to do something about it. Excessive hair loss is a side effect of medicines for most people.

Make sure you do not undertreated as hair loss can result from undertreated. Consult your doctor he can probably give you the right medication to treat your hypothyroidism and eventually get rid of hair loss. Determine if you need another type of medication, some people have better effects if used different combinations of drugs instead of using one.

You should also consider alternative forms of treatment. If begun treatment, be patient about their hair loss as effects do not come overnight. Look at other ways to improve its treatment of hair loss. You can add herbs and natural supplements to their diet to make treatment more effective. Some ways to mitigate natural hair loss include the use of green tea, arginine, cysteine, Saw Palmetto, and receiving zinc supplements of vitamin B6.

And last but definitely the best bet is to consult a doctor for treatment prescribed. Your dermatologist may recommend drugs for the treatment of hair loss, such as Rogaine, Minoxidil and Propecia. As for her thyroid problem, a doctor may prescribe drugs as a way to get treatment for his thyroid back on track.