
Alopecia Areata is a hair loss disease often characterized by the loss of hair on the scalp. This hair loss occurs in well-defined circular patches and is classified as an autoimmune disease. An auto immune disease is caused by an attack on a person's immune system on parts of his body, which in this case are causing hair follicles to fall.

The main cause of alopecia areata is unknown, and male or female, whatever the age and ethnicity can be affected by this disease, however, there are people who are more willing to get this disease when compared with others because of their genes. Anyone who has family members who suffer from alopecia areata are at higher risk of contracting the disease compared with everyone else.

For people who are genetically predisposed to alopecia areata, triggering any of their environment or a certain type of virus can cause the immune system to start attacking the hair follicles. One must bear in mind that the appearance of alopecia areata can also be attributed to the presence of other diseases such as vitiligio, pernicious anemia, diabetes and some forms of thyroid diseases. They are produced in one out of every hundred people, alopecia areata is a common type of hair loss disease.

The signs and symptoms of alopecia

signs and symptoms of alopecia involve hair loss, baldness, temporary hair loss and irregular.

The hair loss may be due to other possible causes, it's best to consult a doctor about symptoms. Some other causes of hair loss pattern can be male and female pattern baldness, the hereditary baldness, normal aging, menopause, hair pulling nervous, hormonal changes after childbirth, high and chronic fevers.

Calvicie is the loss of hair on the scalp and can be caused by other reasons apart from alopecia areata.
Temporary hair loss
Irregular hair loss

The symptoms of alopecia areata
The first symptom of alopecia areata is the circular bald patches that occur on the scalp. Alopecia Areata can begin to manifest in children, adolescents late, and sometimes adults. Patches of hair loss can occur in different areas of the skin where it grows hair and eyebrows, beards, eyelashes, and other areas of the body as well. Individuals affected may feel occasionally slight itching, tenderness, tingling or even a burning sensation in areas affected by alopecia areata. The hair near the scalp may appear and conical pits, dents, and other abnormalities can also occur in the fingernails of those affected by the disease.

Alopecia areata usually starts with small, round, bare patches the size of a coin. Although it is not painful, alopecia areata presented with itching and minor annoyances that only occurs when a new bald patch develops. The hair loss that occurs in alopecia areata can be followed by the regrowth of hair with a chance of the condition never occur again.

The various symptoms of alopecia can also be caused by the emergence of other diseases, it's best to consult a doctor and have tests done in order to obtain the best possible diagnosis.