Hypotrichosis affect individuals from birth and last all throughout his life. Most of all cases of congenital hyptrichosis can be attributed to genetic anomalies or defects in the embryo that occur during development.
Man's understanding of hypotrichosis has increased over the years, however, is still little known about treatment for this type of condition. Almost all cases of hypotrichosis not have known treatments.
There are many types of genetic hypotrichoses. Most often, people who are affected by hypotrichosis also have other disabilities and physical and mental conditions as Graham-Little syndrome, syndrome Ofuji, and RIM Jeanselme hypotrichosis, Marie Unna hypotrichosis, cartilage-hair hypoplasia, and metaphyseal chondrodysplasia. Some of the most common types of hypotrichosis are as follows:
- Congenital Aplasia
Aplasia congenital, also known as congenital aplasia cutis, is a defect in which the skin of a person not fully develop, while the embryo is at the stage of development. This can happen sometimes when the baby is still inside the uterus and everything that is noticeable at birth is a patch of skin where hair does not grow.
A baby affected by this disease can be born with a patch of skin much like an open wound. This defect occurs normally in the rear area of the scalp near the center of hair growth pattern known as the whorls. If the skin
defective only covers a small area, the skin tends to scab and the baby can be left with a scar, however, whether the defects of skin covers a larger area, an operation may be necessary to eliminate the affected skin.
- Triangular alopecia
Alopecia triangularis, also known as triangular alopecia, a condition very similar to congenital aplasia. Notable at birth, triangular aplacia sample as a triangular patch of affected skin and hair usually located over the temples.
This triangular patch of skin continues to grow hair, hence the name triangular alopecia. Babies born with this condition have bald patches where the hair does not grow at all. The area affected by this condition can be removed through surgery or hair follicles can be implanted in the affected area to promote hair growth.
- Congenital atrichia
Atrichia papular or congenital Atrichia are a unique form of pattern hair loss. This condition is determined to be caused by a defect in a single gene. Individuals with this condition are born with hair, but lost all of it in his early childhood years. The hair loss caused by this condition never grows again.
Congenital Atrichia runs in families and is considered a genetic disorder, however, this type of genetic defect can also develop into embryos whose parents do not have the condition.